Dismiss Dental Fears with Sedation
Oral Sedation Makes Dental Care Easy Oral conscious sedation has provided access to care for hundreds of thousands of Canadians who otherwise would have been without the dental care they need . Oral sedation (usually in the form of pills) is also called ‘conscious sedation’ because it helps the patient remain conscious throughout the dental treatment while in a relaxed and anxiety-free condition. It is most commonly prescribed for relieving anxiety just before a dental appointment for patients with persisting fear and anxiety regarding dentistry . Who is a good candidate for Sedation Dentistry? While a lot of individuals admit they are fearful of a dental treatment to an extent, some avoid dental care completely, compromising their dental and overall health. Between these 2 groups are those with moderate levels of fear and anxiety. This group may be able to tolerate minor dental treatment but have a higher level of anxiety towards dental procedures. For example...